Linea di attività M71 – Design, production and Characterization of nanomaterials

  • Montoncello,1 M. T. Kaffash,2 H. Carfagno,3 M. F. Doty,3 G. Gubbiotti,4 and M. B. Jungfleisch “A Brillouin light scattering study of the spin-wave magnetic field dependence in a magnetic hybrid system made of an artificial spin-ice structure and a film underlayer”, J. Appl. Phys. 133, 083901 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0140866
  • Ding, K. Yananose, C. Rizza, F.-R. Fan, S. Dong, and A. Stroppa, “Magneto-optical Kerr Effect in Ferroelectric Antiferromagnetic Two-Dimensional Heterostructures”ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15, 22282 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c02680
  • Samanta, G. Gubbiotti, and S. Roy, “Spin Waves in Exchange Spring Nano-hetero-structured Amorphous – Nanocrystalline Films”, Phys. Rev. B, submitted. https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.107.214449
  • Daniele Meggiolaro, Luca Gregori, and Filippo De Angelis, “Formation of a Mixed Valence Sn3F8 Phase May Explain the SnF2 Stabilizing Role in Tin-Halide Perovskites”. ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, 5, 2373–2375, April 24, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00652
  • Stefano Bistarelli, Francesco Santini. “On the Unicity of Extensions in Weighted Abstract Argumentation Frameworks”, submitted International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Elsevier)
  • Marco Baioletti, Francesco Santini. “A QUBO Encoding and a Comparison of Approximate Solvers in Abstract Argumentation”, submitted 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS).
  • Tacchi, J.Flores-Farías, D. Petti, F.Brevis, A.Cattoni, G.Scaramuzzi, D.Girardi, D.Cortés-Ortuño, R.A.Gallardo, E.Albisetti, G.Carlotti, P. Landeros, Experimental Observation of Flat Bands in One-Dimensional Chiral Magnonic Crystals, NANO Letters (2023), Publication Date:June 21, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04215
  • Tacchi, R. Silvani, M. Kuepferling, A. Fernández Scarioni, S. Sievers, H.W. Schumacher, E. Darwin, M.-A. Syskaki, G. Jakob, M. Kläui7 and G. Carlotti, “Suppression of the spin waves non-reciprocity due to interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction by lateral confinement in magnetic nanostructures”, Phys. Rev. B2023 (in press). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.024430
  • Paciaroni, A.; Libera, V.; Ripanti, F.; Orecchini, A.; Petrillo, C.; Francisci, D.; Schiaroli, E.; Sabbatini, S.; Gidari, A.; Bianconi, E.; et al.
    Stabilization of the Dimeric State of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease by GC376 and Nirmatrelvir. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 6062. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24076062
  • Maria Rachele Ceccarini, Irene Chiesa, Francesca Ripanti, Martina Alunni Cardinali, Simone Micalizzi, Gabriele Scattini, Carmelo De Mari, Alessandro Paciaroni, Caterina Petrillo, Lucia Comez, Matteo Bertelli, Paola Sassi, Luisa Pascucci, Tommaso Beccari, and Luca Valentini. Electrospun Nanofibrous UV Filters with Bidirectional Actuation Properties Based on Salmon Sperm DNA/Silk Fibroin for Biomedical Applications. Publication Date:October 4, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c00072
  • Bittolo Bon, S., Valentini, L., Degli Esposti, M., Morselli, D., Fabbri, P., Palazzi, V., … & Roselli, L. (2021). Self‐adhesive plasticized regenerated silk on poly (3‐hydroxybutyrate‐co‐3‐hydroxyvalerate) for bio‐piezoelectric force sensor and microwave circuit design. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(4), 49726. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.49726
  • Mancini, E., Mussolin, L., Morettini, G., Palmieri, M., Ionica, M., Silvestre, G., … & Torre, L. (2023). Collection of Silicon Detectors Mechanical Properties from Static and Dynamic Characterization Test Campaigns. Instruments, 7(4), 46. https://doi.org/10.3390/instruments7040046
  • Sojková, Michaela, et al. “Lithium-Induced Reorientation of Few-Layer MoS2 Films.” Chemistry of Materials 35.16 (2023): 6246-6257.
  • Sorbelli, Diego, et al. “Chemical bond analysis for the entire periodic table: energy decomposition and natural orbitals for chemical valence in the four-component relativistic framework.” Molecular Physics (2023): e2245061.
  • Meggiolaro, Daniele, Luca Gregori, and Filippo De Angelis. “Formation of a Mixed Valence Sn3F8 Phase May Explain the SnF2 Stabilizing Role in Tin-Halide Perovskites.” ACS Energy Letters 8.5 (2023): 2373-2375.
  • Morana, Marta, et al. “Origin of Broad Emission Induced by Rigid Aromatic Ditopic Cations in Low-Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites.” The journal of physical chemistry letters 14.35 (2023): 7860-7868.
  • Silvestri, Lorenzo, Miriam Saraceni, and Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini. “Numerical diffusion and turbulent mixing in convective self-aggregation.” Authorea Preprints (2023).
  • Saraceni, M., Silvestri, L., Bechtold, P., & Bongioannini Cerlini, P. (2023). Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclones forecasts and analysis usingthe ECMWF Ensemble Forecasting System (IFS) with physical parameterizations perturbations. EGUsphere, 2023, 1-41.
  • Costarelli, E. De Angelis, G. Vinti, Convergence of perturbed sampling Kantorovich operators in modular spaces, Results in Mathematics, 78 (2023) Art. Numb. 239.
  • Costarelli, Approximation error for neural network operators by an averaged modulus of smoothness, Journal of Approximation Theory, 294 (2023) 105944.
  • Cantarini, D. Costarelli, G. Vinti, Approximation results in Sobolev and fractional Sobolev spaces by sampling Kantorovich operators, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 6 (2023) 2493-2521.
  • Angeloni, D. Costarelli, Approximation by exponential-type polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 532 (2024) 127927.
  • Filippo Campana, Federica Valentini, Assunta Marrocchi, Luigi Vaccaro Urban waste upcycling to a recyclable solid acid catalyst for converting levulinic acid platform molecules into high-value products. Biofuel Research Journal, 2023, 40, 1989-1998
  • Pasquale Stano, Pier Luigi Gentili, Luisa Damiano, Maurizio Magarini A Role for Bottom-Up Synthetic Cells in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things?Molecules 2023, 28, 5564. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28145564.
  • Pier Luigi Gentili*, The Relevant Role that Natural Computing Can Play in the Development of Complexity Science. International Journal of Unconventional Computing 2023, 18, 291-304.
  • Laura Tomassoli, Leonardo Silva-Dias, Milos Dolnik, Irving R. Epstein, Raimondo Germani, Pier Luigi Gentili* Neuromorphic Engineering in Wetware: Discriminating Acoustic Frequencies through Their Effects on Chemical Waves. J. Phys. Chem. B 2024, 128, 5, 1241–1255. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c08429.
  • Giada Moroni, Elena Bombonato, Samuele Bonafè, Alessandro Di Michele, Sara Presenti, Sara Guariento, Massimo Marcaccio, Roccaldo Sardella, Paolo Ronchi,* and Antimo Gioiello* ‘Investigating the Catalytic Efficiency of Supported NHC-Ag(I) Complexes in the Borono-Minisci Reaction’ ChemCatChem 2024, e202301654
  • Perna, G., Bonacci, F., Caponi, S., Clementi, G., Di Michele, A., Gammaitoni, L., Mattarelli, M., Neri, I., Puglia, D. and Cottone, F., 2023. 3D-Printed Piezoelectret Based on Foamed Polylactic Acid for Energy-Harvesting and Sensing Applications. Nanomaterials, 13(22), p.2953.
  • Parvin Holakooei, Federica Valentini, Filippo Campana, Luigi Vaccaro Bis-imidazolium Pd(0) based supported catalyst for the selective dehydrogenation of formic acid. Molecular Catalysis, 2024, 563, 114235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcat.2024.114235
  • Filippo Campana, Alessandro Maselli, Chiara Falcini, Anna Selvi, Oriana Piermatti, Luigi Vaccaro Waste minimized one-pot synthesis of azido- or triazole-pyrazolines using polarclean as reaction medium, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 40 (2024), 101632, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scp.2024.101632
  • P. Carrara, M. Brioschi, R. Silvani, A. O. Adeyeye, G. Panaccione, G. Gubbiotti, G. Rossi, and R. Cucini, “Coherent and dissipative coupling in a magneto-mechanical system”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 216701 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.216701
  • C. Costantino, L. Monico, F. Rosi, R. Vivani, A. Romani, L. C. Colocho Hurtarte, EVillalobos-Portillo, C. J. Sahle, T. Huthwelker, C. Dejoie, and M. Burghammer, M. “Non-Destructive and Non-Invasive Approaches for the Identification of Hydroxy Lead–Calcium Phosphate Solid Solutions ((Pb x Ca1− x) 5 (PO4) 3OH) in Cultural Heritage Materials”.  Applied Spectroscopy, p.00037028241243375. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003702824124337
  • G. Gamboni, L. Belpassi, P. Belanzoni, “The chemical bond at the bottom of the Periodic Table: the case of the heavy astatine and the super-heavy tennessine”, ChemPhysChem. https://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.202400310
  • D. Sorbelli, L. Belpassi, P. Belanzoni, Cooperative small molecule activation by apolar and weakly polar bonds through the lens of a suitable computational protocol, Chem. Commun. 60, 1222 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cc05614g
  • A. O. Adeyeye, B. Hussain, M. G. Cottam, G. Gubbiotti, “Collective spin waves in RKKY interlayer-coupled NiFe/Ru/NiFe nanowire arrays”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36, 395801 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ad5923
  • Catia Clementi,* Francesca Luzi, Franco Dominici, Fabio Marmottini, Riccardo Vivani, Loredana Latterini and Debora Puglia* “Development of MOF-Pigment Hybrids to Implement a Sustainable Coloration of Poly(ε-caprolactone) Composites” https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c03884ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2024, 12, 12525−12533.

Linea di attività M72 – Innovative devices and systems based on nanomaterials for industrial applications

  • Antonella D’Alessandro, Hasan Borke Birgin, Andrea Meoni, Filippo Ubertini, Smart graphite cementitious composites for weigh-in-motion and monitoring of bridges, Proceedings of Italian Concrete Days – Springer Nature 2023
  • Hasan Borke Birgin, Enrique Garcia-Macias, Antonella D’Alessandro, and Filippo Ubertini, Self-powered sensors through harvester beams: application to weigh-in-motion and dynamic sensing Proceedings of EVACES 2023 – Springer Nature 2023
  • A. Passeri, A. Di Michele, I. Neri, F. Cottone, D. Fioretto, M. Mattarelli a, S. Caponi , Size and environment: The effect of phonon localization on micro-Brillouin imaging. Biomaterial advances, 147 (2023) 213341.
  • Valeria Ambrogi, Morena Nocchetti, Donatella Pietrella, Giulia Quaglia, Alessandro Di Michele, Loredana Latterini. “Antimicrobial Oleogel Containing Sustainably Prepared Silver-Based Nanomaterials for Topical Application” J. Funct. Biomater. 2024, 15(1), 4
  • Samanta, Arindam, Gianluca Gubbiotti, and Saibal Roy. “Spin waves in exchange spring nanoheterostructured amorphous/nanocrystalline films.” Physical Review B 107.21 (2023): 214449.
  • Farneti, E., Meoni, A., Natali, A., Celati, S., Frascella, C., Lupi, M.C., Cavalagli, N., Venanzi, I., Salvatore, W. and Ubertini, F. (2023), STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING OF CURVED ROADWAY BRIDGES THROUGH SATELLITE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY AND COLLAPSE SIMULATION.
  • Birgin, H. B., García-Macías, E., D’Alessandro, A., & Ubertini, F. (2023). Self-powered weigh-in-motion system combining vibration energy harvesting and self-sensing composite pavements. Construction and Building Materials, 369, 130538.
  • Meoni, A., Fabiani, C., D’Alessandro, A., Pisello, A. L., & Ubertini, F. (2023, June). Smart-Earth Multifunctional Cement Composites for Sustainable Constructions: Thermal and Sensing Characterization. In International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of CBMs and concrete structures (pp. 1199-1208). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • A Meoni, G Galassi Sconocchia, F Mariani, L Ierimonti, M Castellani, E Tomassini, I Venanzi and F Ubertini, Characterization of the static and dynamic response of a post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge with vertically prestressed joints showing vertical deflections due to concrete creep deformation, to be presented at Eurodyn 2023 – XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Submitted
  • Meoni, A., D’Alessandro, A., Mattiacci, M., García-Macías, E., Saviano, F., Parisi, F., Lignola, G.P. and Ubertini, F., 2024. Structural performance assessment of full-scale masonry wall systems using operational modal analysis: Laboratory testing and numerical simulations. Engineering Structures, 304, p.117663.
  • Desirée Bartolini, Letizia Pallottelli, Damiano Sgargetta, Ina Varfaj, Antonio Macchiarulo, Francesco Galli, Aldo Romani, Roccaldo Sardella*, Catia Clementi*, Natural cellulosic biofunctional textiles from onion (Allium cepa L.) skin extracts: A sustainable strategy for skin protection, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 212, June 2024, 118295. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.118295)
  • Francesco Ferlin, Federica Valentini, Filippo Campana, Luigi Vaccaro Introducing the use of a recyclable solid electrolyte for waste minimization in electrosynthesis: preparation of 2-arylbenzoxazoles under flow conditions. Green chem., 2024, in press. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4GC00930D
  • M. Alunni Cardinali, M. R. Ceccarini, I. Chiesa, S. Bittolo Bon, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Caporali, S. Tacchi, A. Verdini, C. Petrillo, C. De Maria, T. Beccari, P. Sassi, L. Valentini, “Mechanical Transfer of Black Phosphorous on Silk Fibroin Substrate: a Viable Method for Biomedical Applications through 3D Printing”, ACS Omega 9, (16), 17977 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c09461
  • Impemba, G. Provinciali, J. Filippi, C. Salvatici, E. Berretti, S. Caporali, M. Banchelli, M. Caporali, “Engineering the heterojunction between TiO2 and In2O3 for improving the solar-driven hydrogen production”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 63, 896-904.

Linea di attività M73 – Graphene & Carbon-based nanomaterials

  • Hasan Borke Birgin, Antonella D’Alessandro, Filippo Ubertini, A new smart sustainable earth-cement composite doped by carbon microfibers with self-sensing properties, Developments in the Built Environment, 14 (2023) 100168.
  • D’Alessandro, A., Meoni, A., Ubertini, F. (2023). Smart Self-sensing Cement-based Composites with Carbon microfibers: experimental tests on Small-scale Beam Elements, in Proceedings of the 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, 27 October–10 November 2023, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland.
  • Drougkas, A., Sarhosis, V., Macente, A., Basheer, M., D’Alessandro, A. and Ubertini, F., 2023. Mechanical and Durability Testing and XCT Imaging of a Lime-Based Micro-Scale Modified Smart Intervention Mortar. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, pp.1-16.
  • Valentini, G. Brufani, G. Rossini, F. Campana, D. Lanari, L. Vaccaro, POLITAG-M-F as Heterogeneous Organocatalyst for the Waste-Minimized Synthesis of Beta-Azido Carbonyl Compounds in Batch and under Flow Conditions, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 3074-3084
  • Brufani, F. Valentini, G. Rossini, L. Carpisassi, D. Lanari, L. Vaccaro, Continuous flow synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles via consecutive β-azidation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and CuAAC reactions. Green Chem., 2023, 25, 2438-2445.
  • Filippo Campana, Federica Valentini, Assunta Marrocchi, Luigi Vaccaro Urban waste upcycling to a recyclable solid acid catalyst for converting levulinic acid platform molecules into high-value products. Biofuel Research Journal, 2023, 40, 1989-1998.
  • Catalini, Sara & Bagni, Francesco & Cicchi, Stefano & Di Donato, Mariangela & Iagatti, Alessandro & Lapini, Andrea & Foggi, Paolo & Petrillo, Caterina & Michele, Alessandro & Paolantoni, Marco & Schirò, Giorgio & Comez, Lucia & Paciaroni, Alessandro. (2024). Multiple length-scale control of Boc-protected diphenylalanine aggregates through solvent composition. Materials Advances. DOI: 10.1039/D4MA00018H
  • Bittolo Bon, S.; Libera, V.; Ceccarini, M.R.; Malaspina, R.; Codini, M.; Valentini, L. Development of Ultraviolet-Shielding Bamboo/Silk Fibroin Hybrid Films with Good Mechanical Properties: A Proof Study on Human Keratinocyte Cells. Polymers 2024, 16, 2244.


Linea di attività M77 – Design, production and Characterization of biomaterials

  • A. Passeri, A. Di Michele, I. Neri, F. Cottone, D. Fioretto, M. Mattarelli, S. Caponi, “Size and environment: The effect of phonon localization on micro-Brillouin imaging”, Biomaterials Advances 147, 213341 (2023).
  • Rampacci, E.; Felicetti, T.; Cernicchi, G.; Stefanetti, V.; Sabatini, S.; Passamonti, F. Inhibition of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Efflux Pumps by Using Staphylococcus aureus NorA Efflux Pump Inhibitors. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 806.
  • Palazzotti, D.; Felicetti, T.; Sabatini, S.; Moro, S.; Barreca, M.L. Sturlese, M.; Astolfi, A. Fighting antimicrobial resistance: insights on how the S. aureus NorA Efflux Pump Recognizes 2-phenylquinoline Inhibitors by Supervised Molecular Dynamics (SuMD) and Molecular Docking Simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling – Manuscript ID: ci-2023-00516z. Submitted 2023.
  • Pérez Gutiérrez, C.L.; Cottone, F.; Pagano, C.; Di Michele, A.; Puglia, D.; Luzi, F.; Dominici, F.; Sinisi, R.; Ricci, M.; Viseras Iborra, C.A.; et al. The Optimization of Pressure-Assisted Microsyringe (PAM) 3D Printing Parameters for the Development of Sustainable Starch-Based Patches. Polymers 2023, 15, 3792. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym15183792
  • Tolisano, C., Luzi, F., Regni, L. Proietti, P., Puglia, D., Gigliotti, G., Di Michele, A., Priolo, D., Del Buono, D. 2023. A way to valorize pomace from olive oil production: Lignin nanoparticles to biostimulate maize plants. Environmental Technology and Innovation 31, 103216.
  • Manuela Rebora, Daniele Del Buono, Silvana Piersanti, Gianandrea Salerno. “Reduction in insect attachment ability by biogenic and non-biogenic ZnO nanoparticles”. Environmental Science: Nano – RSC DOI: 10.1039/d3en00545c.
  • Ceccarini, Maria Rachele, et al. “Electrospun Nanofibrous UV Filters with Bidirectional Actuation Properties Based on Salmon Sperm DNA/Silk Fibroin for Biomedical Applications.” ACS omega (2023).
  • Sabatini, Francesca, et al. “A Thermal Analytical Study of LEGO® Bricks for Investigating Light-Stability of ABS.” Polymers 15.15 (2023): 3267.
  • Mancini, E., Mussolin, L., Morettini, G., Palmieri, M., Ionica, M., Silvestre, G., … & Torre, L. (2023). Collection of Silicon Detectors Mechanical Properties from Static and Dynamic Characterization Test Campaigns. Instruments, 7(4), 46.
  • Antimicrobial Oleogel Containing Sustainably Prepared Silver-Based Nanomaterials for Topical Application. Valeria Ambrogi, Morena Nocchetti, Donatella Pietrella, Giulia Quaglia, Alessandro Di Michele, Loredana Latterini J. Funct. Biomater. 2024, 15(1),4. https://doi.org/10.3390/jfb15010004
  • Federica Valentini, Elisa Cerza, Filippo Campana, Assunta Marrocchi, Luigi Vaccaro Efficient Synthesis and Investigation of Waste-Derived Adsorbent for Water Purification. Exploring the Impact of Surface Functionalization on Methylene Blue Dye Removal. Bioresour. Technol. 2023, 390, 129847
  • Pier Luigi Gentili*,The Conformational Contribution to Molecular Complexity and Its Implications for Information Processing in Living Beings and Chemical Artificial Intelligence. Biomimetics 2024, 9, 121. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomimetics9020121.
  • Tracing a new path in the field of AI and robotics: mimicking human intelligence through chemistry. Part I: molecular and supramolecular chemistry. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2023, 10, 1238492. https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2023.1238492
  • Neri, I., Caponi, S., Bonacci, F., Clementi, G., Cottone, F., Gammaitoni, L., Figorilli, S., Ortenzi, L., Aisa, S., Pallottino, F. and Mattarelli, M., 2024. Real-Time AI-Assisted Push-Broom Hyperspectral System for Precision Agriculture. Sensors, 24(2), p.344.
  • Pier Luigi Gentili*, Pasquale Stano Tracing a new path in the field of AI and robotics: mimicking human intelligence through chemistry. Part I: molecular and supramolecular chemistry. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2023, 10, 1238492. https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2023.1238492
  • Pier Luigi Gentili*, Pasquale Stano* Living cells and biological mechanisms as prototypes for developing chemical artificial intelligence. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2024, 720, 150060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2024.150060
  • S. Catalini, F. Bagni, S. Cicchi, M. Di Donato, A. Iagatti, A. Lapini, P. Foggi, C. Petrillo, A. Di Michele, M. Paolantoni, G. Schirò, L. Comez, A. Paciaroni, “Multiple length-scale control of Boc-protected diphenylalanine aggregates through solvent composition”, Materials Advanced 5, 3802 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1039/D4MA00018H
  • A. Saorin, G. Saorin, F. Duzagac, P. Parisse, N. Cao, C. Giuseppe, E. A. Cavarzerani and F. Rizzolio, “Microfluidic production of amiodarone loaded nanoparticles and application in drug repositioning in ovarian cancer”, Scientific Reports 14, 6280 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55801-3

  • D. Sonaglioni, V. Libera, E. Tombari, J. Peters, F. Natali, C. Petrillo, L. Comez, S. Capaccioli, A. Paciaroni, “Dynamic Personality of Proteins and Effect of the Molecular Environment”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (ACS) 15 (20), 5543–5548 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00017

  • Greco, P. F., Pepi, C., & Gioffré, M. (2024). A novel biocomposite material for sustainable constructions: Metakaolin lime mortar and Spanish broom fibers. Journal of Building Engineering, 83, 108425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.108425
  • Pier Luigi Gentili “Determining Chemical Microheterogeneity from the Analysis of Absorption and Luminescence Transient Signals.” J. Phys. Chem. B 2024, 128, 8259-8271. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c04707
  • Ciro Tolisano, Dario Priolo, Monica Brienza, Debora Puglia*, Daniele Del Buono*, Do Lignin Nanoparticles Pave the Way for a Sustainable Nanocircular Economy? Biostimulant Effect of Nanoscaled Lignin in Tomato Plants“. Plants 2024, 13, 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13131839
  • Luca Regni, Ciro Tolisano, Daniele Del Buono*, Dario Priolo, Primo Proietti, Role of an Aqueous Extract of Duckweed (Lemna minor L.) in Increasing Salt Tolerance in Olea europaea L.“. Agriculture 2024, 14, 375. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14030375
  • Anna Imbriano, Fatima García-Villén, Federica Rinaldi, Luana Perioli, Cinzia Pagano, Giuseppina Sandri, Carlotta Marianecci, Cesar Viseras, Maria Carafa. Design and Characterization of Clay-Carvacrol Nanoemulsions for Wound Healing. International Workshop “Eco-friendly antimicrobial Strategies to fight Chronic-wound Infections Associated with Multidrug-resistant pathogens for the development of Innovative medical systems” June 07-08, 2024, in University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
  • Cinzia Pagano, Maria Rachele Ceccarini, Alessia Marinelli, Anna Imbriano, Tommaso Beccari, Sara Primavilla, Andrea Valiani, Maurizio Ricci, Luana Perioli. “Development and characterization of an emulgel based on a snail slime useful for dermatological applications”. June 15, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124337
  • L. Pérez Gutíerrez, A. Di Michele, C. Pagano, D. Puglia, F. Luzi, T. Beccari, M.R. Ceccarini, S. Primavilla, A. Valiani, C. Vicino, et al. “Polymeric Patches Based on Chitosan/Green Clay Composites and Hazelnut Shell Extract as Bio-Sustainable Medication for Wounds”. Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 2057. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15082057
  • Anna Imbriano, Fatima García-Villén, Jacopo Forte, Marco Ruggeri, Alba Lasalvia, Federica Rinaldi, Luana Perioli, Giuseppina Sandri, Carlotta Marianecci, Cesar Viseras, Maria Carafa, Clay-carvacrol nanoemulsions for wound healing: Design and characterization studies, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 99, 2024, 105984 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jddst.2024.10598

Linea di attività M78 – Innovative devices and systems based on biomaterials for industrial applications

  • Maria Rachele Ceccarini; Francesca Ripanti; Veronica Raggi; Alessandro Paciaroni; Caterina Petrillo; Lucia Comez; Kevin Donato; Matteo Bertelli; Tommaso Beccari; Luca Valentini “Development of salmon sperm DNA/regenerated silk bio-based films for biomedical studies on human keratinocyte HaCaT cells under solar spectrum.”, J. Funct. (ISSN 2079-4983) May 2023.
  • Catia Clementi, Franco Dominici, Francesca Luzi, Debora Puglia, Loredana Latterini, Historically inspired strategy to ambrogiachieve a sustainable and effective coloration of bioplastics, paper submitted for publication to ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
  • Alessia Belloni, Eva Montanari, Andrea Sagrati, Teresa Lorenzi, Aurora Balloni, Francesco Paolo Busardò, Valentina Notarstefano, Mara Fabri, Elisabetta Giorgini. Novel Insights from Fourier-Transform InfraRed Imaging on the Morpho-Chemical Profile of Human Corpus Callosum. Applied Sciences 13 (2023) 3954
  • Valentina Notarstefano, Alessia Belloni, Paolo Mariani, Giulia Orilisi, Giovanna Orsini, Elisabetta Giorgini, Hugh J. Byrne. Multivariate Curve Resolution – Alternating Least Squares coupled with Raman Microspectroscopy: new insights into the response of primary Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells to chemotherapy drugs. Submitted 2023
  • Luigi Montano, Elisabetta Giorgini, Marina Piscopo, Valentina Notarstefano, Tiziana Notari, Maria Ricciardi, Oriana Motta. Raman Microspectroscopy evidence of microplastics in human semen: an emerging threat to male fertility. Submitted 2023
  • Paciaroni, A.; Libera, V.; Ripanti, F.; Orecchini, A.; Petrillo, C.; Francisci, D.; Schiaroli, E.; Sabbatini, S.; Gidari, A.; Bianconi, E.; et al. Stabilization of the Dimeric State of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease by GC376 and Nirmatrelvir. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 6062.
  • Patricia Perez Schmidt, Tanja Luedtke, Paolo Moretti, Paolo Di Gianvincenzo, Marcos Fernandez Leyes, Bruno Espuche, Heinz Amenitsch, Guocheng Wang, Hernan Ritacco, Laura Polito, M. Grazia Ortore, S.E. Moya, Assembly and recognition mechanisms of glycosylated PEGylated polyallylamine phosphate nanoparticles: A fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and small angle X-ray scattering study, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 645 (2023) 448-457.
  • Pepe, P. Moretti, J.S.Yoneda, F. Carducci, R. Itri, P. Mariani. “Self-oriented anisotropic structure of G-hydrogels as a delicate balance between attractive and repulsive forces”. Submitted (2023).
  • Desirée, M., Fabio, O., Roberto, P., Chiara, P., Luigia, R., & Marco, F. (2024). Effects of urban tree pruning on ecosystem services performance. Trees, Forests and People, 100503.
  • Pier Luigi Gentili*, Pasquale StanoTracing a new path in the field of AI and robotics: mimicking human intelligence through chemistry.      Part II: systems chemistry. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2023, 10, 1266011. https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2023.1266011
  • Desirée Bartolini, Letizia Pallottelli, Damiano Sgargetta, Ina Varfaj, Antonio Macchiarulo, Francesco Galli, Aldo Romani, Roccaldo Sardella*, Catia Clementi*, Natural cellulosic biofunctional textiles from onion (Allium cepa L.) skin extracts: A sustainable strategy for skin protection, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 212, June 2024, 118295. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.118295.
  • Cinzia Pagano, Luana Perioli. BIO-DERIVED PRODUCTS FOR INNOVATIVE WOUND HEALING PRODUCTS. International Workshop  “Eco-friendly antimicrobial Strategies to fight Chronic-wound Infections Associated with Multidrug-resistant pathogens for the development of Innovative medical systems” June 07-08, 2024, in University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
  • Samuele Bonafè, Cinzia Pagano, Elisa Bianconi, Laura Mercolini, Antonio Macchiarulo, Luana Perioli, Roccaldo Sardella, Andrea Carotti. Atypical enantioseparation of a non-ionic form of allantoin with Cinchona alkaloid-based zwitterionic chiral stationary phases, Journal of Chromatography Open 2024, 6, 100146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcoa.2024.100146

Linea di attività M79 – Innovative devices and systems based on biomaterials for biomedical applications

  • Argentati C., Morena F., Guidotti G., Soccio M., Lotti N., and Martino S. Tight regulation of mechanotransducer proteins distinguishes the response of adult mesenchymal stem cells on PBCE-derivative polymer films with different hydrophilicity and stiffness. Cells, Submitted May 2023.
  • Sara Venturi, Barbara Rossi, Mariagrazia Tortora, Renato Torre, Andrea Lapini, Paolo Foggi, Marco Paolantoni, Sara Catalini. Amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic molten globule conformation of Beta-lactoglobulin in self-crowded regime. International Journal of Biomedical Macromolecular 242 (2023) 124621.
  • Pepe, P. Moretti, J.S.Yoneda, F. Carducci, R. Itri and P. Mariani. Self-oriented anisotropic structure of G-hydrogels as a delicate balance between attractive and repulsive forces. Submitted (2023)
  • Giorgia Giorgini, Cinzia Coppari, Cristina Minnelli, Giovanna Mobbili and Roberta Galeazzi, A deep insight onto berberine interaction with in silico designed lipid-based nanovectors: a combined computational/in vitro approach. Submitted (2023)
  • Argentati, F. Morena, G. Guidotti, M. Soccio, N. Lotti, S. Martino. “Tight regulation of mechanotransducer proteins distinguishes the response of adult mesenchymal stem cells on PBCE-derivative polymer films with different hydrophilicity and stiffness. Cells, Submitted May 2023”.
  • Venturi, B. Rossi, M. Tortora, R. Torre, A. Lapini, P. Foggi, M. Paolantoni, S. Catalini. “Amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic molten globule conformation of Beta-lactoglobulin in self-crowded regime”. International Journal of Biomedical Macromolecular 242 (2023) 124621.
  • Giorgini, C. Coppari, C. Minnelli, G. Mobbili, R. Galeazzi. “A deep insight onto berberine interaction with in silico designed lipid-based nanovectors: a combined computational/in vitro approach”. Submitted (2023).
  • Salameh, F. Minio,G. Rossini, A. Marrocchi, L. Vaccaro. “Waste-minimized C(sp3)-H activation for the preparation of fused N-heterocycles”. Green Synthesis and Catalysis, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.gresc.2023.02.004.
  • Valentini, G. Brufani, G. Rossini, F. Campana, D. Lanari, L. Vaccaro. “POLITAG-M-F as Heterogeneous Organocatalyst for the Waste-Minimized Synthesis of Beta-Azido Carbonyl Compounds in Batch and under Flow Conditions, ACS Sustainable Chem”. Eng. 2023, 11, 3074-3084.
  • Brufani, F. Valentini, G. Rossini, L. Carpisassi, D. Lanari, L. Vaccaro. “Continuous flow synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles via consecutive Œ≤-azidation of Œ±,Œ≤-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and CuAAC reactions”. Green Chem., 2023, 25, 2438-2445.
  • Leonardo Pioppi, Reza Parvan, Alan Samred, Gustavo Julio Jose Silva, Marco Paolantoni, Paola Sassi, Alessandro Cataliotti “Vibrational spectroscopy identifies myocardial chemical modifications in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.” Journal of Translational Medicine 21 (2023), 617.

  • Marchionni, D., Nazari Khodadadi, A., Cela, E., Huang, F. and Vaccaro, L. Accessing Borazine Substitution Patterns through Late-Stage Iodination. Synth. Catal. 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/adsc.202301218
  • Clementi, G., Neri, I., Cottone, F., Di Michele, A., Mattarelli, M., Sforna, L., Chiappalupi, S., Sorci, G., Michelucci, A., Catacuzzeno, L. and Gammaitoni, L., 2024. Self-powered temperature sensors harnessing membrane potential of living cells. Nano Energy, 121, p.109211.
  • Paola Sassi, Lucia Comez, Francesco D’Amico, Barbara Rossi, Gabriele Bartolini, Daniele Fioretto, Marco Paolantoni “Ultraviolet Resonant Raman scattering of electrolyte solutions” Applied Spectroscopy (2024) , doi: 10.1177/0003702824124544.

Linea di attività M80 – Bioplastic