E’ indetto un avviso pubblico di selezione per il conferimento di incarichi di consulenza scientifica allo scopo di favorire lo sviluppo di soluzioni altamente innovative circa gli argomenti della ricerca sviluppati dallo spoke 9 (Nanostructed materials and devices) e dallo spoke 10 (Bio based and bio compatible materials and devices), sia mediante la proposta di nuove tecnologie sperimentali sia mediante l’introduzione di nuovi approcci teorici.

Si rende noto che per i candidati stranieri la PEC potrà essere inviata docente proponente.

Scadenza presentazione domande 31 marzo 2024.


D.D. n. 34 derl 20.02.2024 VITALITY – Spoke 9 bando selezione incarico consulenza scientifica

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D.D. n.105 .del 4.06.2024 Approvazione atti conferimento incarichi di consulenza Spoke


D.D. n. 35 del 20.02.2024 VITALITY – Spoke 10 bando selezione incarico consulenza scientifica


D.D. n.106 .del 4.06.2024 Approvazione atti conferimento incarichi di consulenza Spoke 10


Jeanne Pierre Sauvage – Nobel per la Chimica
Nanoscale Molecular Machine

Mircea Grigoriu – Cornell University
Reliability of nanocomposite materials

Angelo Vulpiani – Università La Sapienza di Roma
Characterization of chaos and pseudochaos

Ioannis Kymissis – Columbia University
Use of namomaterials and thin films for next generation electronic systems

Ilenia Giuseppina Rosetti – Università degli Studi di Milano
Scale up issues of solar-driven photoreactors based on nanostructured semiconducting materials for industrial application

Annamaria Petrozza – University of Cambridge
Characterization of innovative nanomaterials

Amalio Fernàndez Pacheco Chicon – Università di Vienna
Production of innovative nanomaterials

Claudio Masciovecchio – Elettra
Exploring Nano-Material Properties with Free Electron Lasers: Advancing Microelectronics and Single Nanometer Microscopy

Adrian Mark Tompkins – ICTP
Radioacative-convective equilibrium as a fundamental laoratory to understand the role of clouds in the tropical climate

Mario Caironi – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Information and communication devices for classical and quantum computing

Darren J. Dixon – University of Oxford
Define innovative recoverable catalyc systems inspired by highly efficient processes

Mary K. Mahony – Union College New York
Critical analysis of the properties of glazing systems with nanosilica gels

Alessandro Rotta Loria – Northwestern University
Trasformazione di geostrutture in scambiatori di calore geotermici ad alta efficienza con materiali a cambiamento di fase

Said Rodriguez – AMOLF Amsterdam
There’s plenty of energy in nanoscale noise

Mario Chiesa – Università degli Studi di Torino
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for the characterization of innovative nanomaterial

Loriano Storchi – Università degli Studi di Chieti
Machine and deep learning techniques for innovative nanomaterials design

Liberato Ferrara – Politecnico di Milano
Advanced cement-based materials for additive manufacturing applications

Luca Valentini – Università di Padova
Engineered sustinable concrete based on nanomaterials &recycled demolition waste


Achim Kohler – Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Characterization of innovative biomaterials and living cells on micro- and nano scale by the use of AI-enhanced micro and nanovibrational spectroscopy

Anna K.H. HIrsch – Saarland University
Production of innovative biomaterials

Cai Zhengxu – School of Materials Engineering and Technology of Beijing
Design and preparation of organic room temperature phosphorescence nanoprobes for the theranostic of tumor

Fahmi Himo – Stockholm University
Creating new models for understanding biocatalyzed processes

Gary D. Smith – University of Michigan
Integration of microfluidic dynamic culture, hydrogels, and bio-stable and oxidants to improve human gamete, embryo, and stem cell culture for enhanced fertility treatments, restorative medicine, pharmaceutical screening, and personalized medicine

Jean-Luis Mergny – Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
DNA Quadruple Helices in Nanotechnology

Paolo Antonio Netti – Università di Napoli Federico II
Advanced Biomaterials for healthcare

Yanlong Gu – University of Science and Technology di Wuhan
Catalytic Approaches to Simplifying Synthesis of Biocompounds of Industrial Interest

Luisa F. Cabeza – University of Franche-Comté
Biobased materials

Kerry A. Emanuel – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hurricane-like cyclone risk in the Mediterranean and Black Seas (Medicanes)

Stanislav Gorb – University of Kiel
White coloration in insects caused by disordered nanostructures

Ausrine Bartasyte – Université de Franche-Comté
High-frequency BAW and SAW devices based on LiNbO3 films

Gerard Ecker – University of Vienna
In silico prediction of toxicity – from QSAR modeling to biological fingerprinting

Cesar Antonio Viseras Iborra – University of Granada
Materiali inorganici naturali in prodotti per l’Health Care