The spoke will develop innovative technologies and devices necessary for research and of great interest in the space industry sector, thus contributing to bridging the gap that separates pure (“curiosity driven”) research from industrial research and the commercial application of new technologies . The research and development activities will concern on the one hand the hardware, such as technologies for the observation of X-rays and gamma rays, cryogenic systems, silicon photomultipliers, adaptive optics and on the software, both as satellite digital twins, on-board SW platforms for space and technical applications to ensure the reliability of autonomous systems. The spoke’s activities will make it possible to attract and train highly qualified human resources from industry and research institutions, and will allow them to acquire planning, innovative, management and leadership skills, in an international, flexible and open context, characterized by contamination between different backgrounds, cultures, technologies and skills.
Spoke: Gran Sasso Science Institute
Public affiliates: Università degli Studi di Perugia, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Private affiliates: Thales Alenia Space Italia SpA.