Overall budget: 12.342.342,54 €
The Spoke focuses on the science and technology of biomaterials and more specifically on biobased, biooriginated, biocompatible materials and bioplastics. Biomaterials are a group of innovative materials of natural or synthetic origin designed for biotechnological applications in the environmental, biomedical and industrial fields. The research activities conducted by the University of Perugia and by subjects affiliated to the spoke will be carried out in close contact with companies and industrial enterprises. The project involves the involvement of local authorities and the creation of spin-offs and original startups that will settle in the newly created technology park – POLO BIOMAT – and will support the Innovation Ecosystem of the Umbria Region’s development plan.
The establishment of the hub is planned in the municipality of Terni.
- Public affiliates: Università Politecnica delle Marche, CNR
- Private affiliates: Novamont SpA, PTP S.r.l.