VITALITY – Innovation, digitalisation and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy
- Duration of the research and innovation program: 36 months
- The Ecosystem involves a total of 24 subjects:
• 9 public Universities as Spoke (constituting the Hub)
• 5 public affiliates (Università degli Studi del Molise, INAF, IZS, INRCA, CNR)
• 9 private affiliates (Italian Red Cross, COSMOB, Meccano, Dompè Pharmaceuticals, Foundation BK, Thales Alenia Space Italia SpA, Synergo Group, PTP, Novamont SpA) - Cost of the program: € 120.647.127,07 (funding € 115.996.558,73)
Funding intended for the University of Perugia: 22.763.891,20 €
VITALITY – ecosystem of Innovation, Digitalisation and Sustainability for the widespread economy in Central Italy – is a project financed with the Mission “From Research to Business” of the PNRR (Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5) and involves the participation of 24 subjects from universities, research institutions and private entities from Abruzzo, Marche and Umbria. These territories have socio-economic, urban and territorial characteristics that unite them, in particular: low population density; their significant historical, environmental and landscape value; the spread of the production sector and the relative concentration of infrastructures along the coast; the widespread presence of valuable primary productions and finally a structured and significant presence of Universities and Research Centres.

The general aim of the Ecosystem promoted by the Universities of the three Regions of Central Italy is the development and transfer of innovation in order to make regional production systems more competitive, therefore improving sustainability and quality of life both in urban systems and in rural areas. The three regions are characterized by a complex production system both in terms of operational areas and in terms of size with the presence of some large companies of national importance, but mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main innovation tools proposed are enabling technologies capable of acting transversally for the transformation of production and organizational systems and for production diversification. This enabling of technologies includes: digital technologies for the acquisition and processing of data for the provision of services useful for the development of sustainable production processes; nanomaterial technologies and biocompatible materials, biotechnology, health sciences and human sciences; and finally digital solutions for the implementation of production processes and provision of services.
The University of L’Aquila is the HUB of the project and, as implementing body, coordinates the activity of 10 spokes, each of which is characterized by the development of a specific research topic. The spoke is accompanied by the activity of affiliated entities which can be public or private bodies that contribute to the implementation of the thematic activities within their competence. The University of Perugia coordinates spoke 9, dedicated to Nanomaterials, and 10 focused on Biomaterials, and is affiliated with spokes 2, 3, 5 and 8.