Tematiche di ricerca

Spoke 9 – materiali e dispositivi nanostrutturati

spoke leader: L. Gammaitoni (FISGEO)

spoke co-leader: G. Gubbiotti (CNR)

WP 1: M71 Design, production, and Characterization of nanomaterials – WP leader: A. Verdini (CNR)

Task 1.1 Design of innovative nanomaterials – Task leader F. De Angelis (DCBB)

Task 1.2 Production of innovative nanomaterials – Task leader L. Valentini (DICA)

Task 1.3 Characterization of innovative nanomaterials – Task leader A. Di Michele (FISGEO)

WP 2: M72 Innovative devices and systems based on nanomaterials for industrial app. – WP Leader L. Latterini (DCBB)

Task 2.1 NEMS/MEMS devices and systems – Task leader P. Sassi (DCBB)

Task 2.2 Energy aimed applications – Task leader F. Cottone (FISGEO)

Task 2.3 Information and Com. devices for classical and quantum comp. – Task leader I. Neri (FISGEO)

WP 3: M73 Graphene & Carbon-based nanomaterials – WP leader L. Valentini (DICA)

Task 3.1 Graphene – Task leader A. Di Michele (FISGEO)

Task 3.2 Carbon-based materials – Task leader L. Valentini (DICA)

Task 3.3 Micronization processes – Task leader E. Marcantoni (UNICAM)

WP 4: M74 Education, Dissemination, and technology transfer – WP Leader G. Carlotti (FISGEO)

Task 4.1 Education activities – Task leader G. Cardinali (DSF)

Task 4.2 Dissemination activities – Task Leader A. Romani (DCBB)

Task 4.3 Technology transfer activitiesTask leader G. Carlotti (FISGEO)

Spoke 10 – materiali e dispositivi a base biologica e biocompatibili

spoke leader: L. Gammaitoni (FISGEO)

spoke co-leader: L. Vaccaro (DCBB)

WP 1: M77 Design, production, and Characterization of biomaterials – WP Leader S. Caponi (CNR)

Task 1.1 Design of innovative biomaterials – Task Leader D. Puglia (DICA)

Task 1.2 Production of innovative biomaterials – Task Leader A. Marrocchi (DCBB)

Task 1.3 Characterization of innovative biomaterials – Task Leader D. Fioretto (FISGEO)

WP 2: M78 Innovative devices and systems based on biomaterials for industrial app. – WP Leader L. Torre (DICA)

Task 2.1 Bio compatible devices and systems – Task Leader D. Puglia (DICA)

Task 2.2 Bio based materials – Task Leader G. Gigliotti (DICA)

Task 2.3 Biodegradable and biocompatible polymers – Task Leader C. Santi (DSF)

WP 3: M79 Innovative devices and systems based on biomaterials for biomed. app. – WP Leader S. Martino (DCBB)

Task 3.1 Smart biomaterials – Task Leader P. Gentili (DCBB)

Task 3.2 A platform for the generation of biohybrid systems – Task Leader B. Carlotti (DCBB)

Task 3.3 Biomaterials for peripheral nerve regeneration – Task Leader L. Trovato (PTP)

Task 3.4 3D Printing technology for hard and soft tissue materials – Task Leader S. Giovagnoli (DSF)

WP 4: M80 Bioplastics – WP Leader F. Apone (NOVAMONT)

Task 4.1 Revalorization and recycle of wastes -Task Leader P. Mariani (UNIVPM)

Task 4.2 Environmental impact – Task Leader A. Paciaroni (FISGEO)

WP 5: M81 Education, Dissemination, and technology transfer – WP Leader G. Carlotti (FISGEO)

Task 5.1 Education activities – Leader G. Cardinali (DSF)

Task 5.2 Dissemination activities – Task Leader B. Turchetti (AGR)

Task 5.3 Technology transfer activities – Task Leader D. Del Buono (AGR)